Pelletier Links Page


About the Antoine Peltier Family Genealogy Site
and links to other
Pelletier Genealogy Websites

The Antoine Peltier Family Genealogist

Hi! My name is Kathy Sochowicz-Poston, the Michigan Antoine Peltier family genealogist and builder of this web site. (In the above photo, I am on the right, my new sister-in-law Amy is on the left. Year 2000) I am a social worker and mom to three wonderfully energetic girls and have a husband who shares my passion for genealogy.

I have been researching my Michigan Antoine Peltier family for the past 22 years and have enjoyed every minute of my research including travels to family places of interest and talking to the many family members who have helped me dig up information. I hope you all will enjoy my passion for family history and if you have anything to contribute or information to pass on, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am most excited about the ability to add photos to this site...I feel photographs of our ancestors help us connect to them in an exciting way and lets them live on forever in our hearts.

The Ancestor List

Are we related? There's only one way to find out . . .here are the names that are currently on this web site: (more will be added later ):

BRASPENNINCKX(See Vincent's Story page)
JACQUES / Jock / Jack


About the Family Roots

Below information obtained from the George Pelletier, Claude E. Pelletier and the Pelletier Association websites.  Please visit their websites at the links below.  Both are excellent Peltier/Pelletier Family Research Gems!

The Peltier family, originally known as Pelletier, came from Bre'solettes in Perche, France to Quebec City, New France (Canada) in 1641. Our first ancestor from France was Guillaume Pelletier (b. 1598) and was married to Michelle Mabille. They came over to New France with their son, Jean Pelletier, of which we are all descended from.

Our line begins like this:
Guillaume Pelletier (b. 1598) married Michelle
Jean Pelletier (b. 1627) married Anne Langlois.
Rene Pelletier (b. 1659) married Mary Magdeline
Pierre Pelletier (b. 1700) married Elisabeth
Lavergne dit Renauld.
Andre Pelletier (b. 1737) married Mary
Catherine Meloche.

Andre Pelletier is the family member who left the Quebec region of Canada and ventured forth to the Detroit River Region where he married and settled with his family. Many of Andre's children settled and married in the Detroit region, our direct line settled in Macomb County, Michigan, northeast of Detroit.

My particular line decends from Andre...his son Charles Peltier Sr., (who married Archange Casse dit St. Aubin)...and his son Antoine Peltier (who married Angelique Jacques). My research mainly has focused on the Antoine Peltier & Angelique Jacques family.

Although my direct focus is on finding and documenting the Antoine Peltier-Angelique Jacques family lines, I have much information on other non-direct Peltier family lines also.

There are a few other Peltier researchers that have been a great help and have been very generous in providing me with information to compliment my research. Any information that is from these researchers will be properly noted. Above all, if you have not had the opportunity to view and search the Pelletier Web site of George Pelletier, it is a great place to look up. George Pelletier is also interested in linking as many Pelletiers/Peltiers as possible to Guillaume and welcomes your family information to add to his web site. Another great Pelletier web site is that of Claude E. Pelletier. His web site is similair to George's but has different areas to explore.

The above Pelletier family line and history information is from the George Pelletier website. Please visit the George's website for further information and more indepth Pelletier family history.

George Pelletier's Excellent Family Website - Please Visit!

Claude E. Pelletier's Family Website. Home of the Pelletier Family Genealogy Association


Click below to E-mail the Antoine Peltier Family if you have any questions!


Content copyright 2000 - 2011